I'm afraid not. We have been using EC2 instances in cn-north-1 region for a
while. And the latest version of boto has added the region: cn-north-1
Here's the  screenshot:
>>>> from  boto import ec2
>>> ec2.regions()
[RegionInfo:us-east-1, RegionInfo:cn-north-1, RegionInfo:ap-northeast-1,
RegionInfo:eu-west-1, RegionInfo:ap-southeast-1, RegionInfo:ap-southeast-2,
RegionInfo:us-west-2, RegionInfo:us-gov-west-1, RegionInfo:us-west-1,
RegionInfo:eu-central-1, RegionInfo:sa-east-1]

I do think the doc is out of dated.

2014-11-05 9:45 GMT+08:00 Nicholas Chammas <nicholas.cham...@gmail.com>:

> http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/using-regions-availability-zones.html
> cn-north-1 is not a supported region for EC2, as far as I can tell. There
> may be other AWS services that can use that region, but spark-ec2 relies on
> EC2.
> Nick
> On Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 8:09 PM, haitao .yao <yao.e...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>    Amazon aws started to provide service for China mainland, the region
>> name is cn-north-1. But the script spark provides: spark_ec2.py will query
>> ami id from https://github.com/mesos/spark-ec2/tree/v4/ami-list and
>> there's no ami information for cn-north-1 region .
>>    Can anybody update the ami information and update the reo:
>> https://github.com/mesos/spark-ec2.git ?
>>    Thanks.
>> --
>> haitao.yao


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