Hi Daniel,

Thanks for your email! We don't have a book (yet?) specifically on SparkR,
but here's a list of helpful tutorials / links you can check out (I am
listing them in roughly basic -> advanced order):

- AMPCamp5 SparkR exercises
<http://ampcamp.berkeley.edu/5/exercises/sparkr.html>. This covers the
basics of SparkR's API, performs basic analytics, and visualizes the
- SparkR examples
<https://github.com/amplab-extras/SparkR-pkg/tree/master/examples>. We have
K-means, logistic regression, MNIST solver, \pi estimation, word count and
other examples available.
- Running SparkR on EC2
This entry details the steps to run a SparkR program on an EC2 cluster.

Finally, we have a talk at the AMPCamp <http://ampcamp.berkeley.edu/5/>
today on SparkR, whose video & slides will be available soon on the website
-- it covers the basics of the interface & what you can do with it.
Additionally, you could direct any SparkR questions to our sparkr-dev
<https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/sparkr-dev> mailing list.

Let us know if you have further questions.


On Fri Nov 21 2014 at 3:48:53 PM Emaasit <daniel.emaa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Is the a book on SparkR for the absolute & terrified beginner?
> I use R for my daily analysis and I am interested in a detailed guide to
> using SparkR for data analytics: like a book or online tutorials. If
> there's
> any please direct me to the address.
> Thanks,
> Daniel
> --
> View this message in context: http://apache-spark-user-list.
> 1001560.n3.nabble.com/Book-Data-Analysis-with-SparkR-tp19529.html
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