Here, the Main object is not meant to be serialized. transient ought
to be for fields that are within an object that is legitimately
supposed to be serialized, but, whose value can be recreated on
deserialization. I feel like marking objects that aren't logically
Serializable as such is a hack, and transient extend that hack, and
will cause surprises later.

Hack away for toy examples but ideally the closure cleaner would snip
whatever phantom reference is at work here. I usually try to rewrite
the Scala as you say to avoid the issue rather than make things
Serializable ad hoc.

On Sun, Nov 23, 2014 at 10:49 AM, Aaron Davidson <> wrote:
> As Mohit said, making Main extend Serializable should fix this example. In
> general, it's not a bad idea to mark the fields you don't want to serialize
> (e.g., sc and conf in this case) as @transient as well, though this is not
> the issue in this case.
> Note that this problem would not have arisen in your very specific example
> if you used a while loop instead of a for-each loop, but that's really more
> of a happy coincidence than something you should rely on, as nested lambdas
> are virtually unavoidable in Scala.
> On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 5:16 PM, Mohit Jaggi <> wrote:
>> perhaps the closure ends up including the "main" object which is not
>> defined as serializable...try making it a "case object" or "object main
>> extends Serializable".
>> On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 4:16 PM, lordjoe <> wrote:
>>> I posted several examples in java at
>>> Generally code like this works and I show how to accumulate more complex
>>> values.
>>>     // Make two accumulators using Statistics
>>>          final Accumulator<Integer> totalLetters= ctx.accumulator(0L,
>>> "ttl");
>>>          JavaRDD<string> lines = ...
>>>         JavaRDD<string> words = lines.flatMap(new FlatMapFunction<String,
>>> String>() {
>>>             @Override
>>>             public Iterable<string> call(final String s) throws Exception
>>> {
>>>                 // Handle accumulator here
>>>                 totalLetters.add(s.length()); // count all letters
>>>                 ....
>>>          });
>>>         ....
>>>          Long numberCalls = totalCounts.value();
>>> I believe the mistake is to pass the accumulator to the function rather
>>> than
>>> letting the function find the accumulator - I do this in this case by
>>> using
>>> a final local variable
>>> --
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