Hi all    In my spark application,I load a csv file and map the datas to a Map 
vairable for later uses on driver node ,then broadcast it,every thing works 
fine untill the exception java.io.FileNotFoundException occurs.the console log 
information shows me the broadcast unavailable,I googled this problem,says 
spark will  clean up the broadcast,while these's an solution,the author 
mentioned about re-broadcast,I followed this way,written some exception handle 
code with `try` ,`catch`.after compliling and submitting the jar,I faced 
anthoner problem,It shows " task not serializable‍".‍‍‍
so here I have  there options:
1,get the right way persisting broadcast
2,solve the "task not serializable" problem re-broadcast variable
3,save the data to some kind of database,although I prefer save data in memory.

here is come code snippets:
  val esRdd = kafkaDStreams.flatMap(_.split("\\n"))
      case esregex(datetime, time_request) =>

        var ipInfo:Array[String]=Array.empty
            ipInfo = Utils.getIpInfo(client_ip,b.value)
          case e:java.io.FileNotFoundException =>{
            val b = Utils.load(sc,ip_lib_path)
            ipInfo = Utils.getIpInfo(client_ip,b.value)

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