ok, I see now what's happening - the pkg.mod.test is serialized by reference 
and there is nothing actually trying to import pkg.mod on the executors so the 
reference is broken.
so how can I get the pkg.mod imported on the executors?

     On Friday, 2 January 2015, 13:49, Antony Mayi <antonym...@yahoo.com> wrote:

I am running spark 1.1.0 on yarn. I have custom set of modules installed under 
same location on each executor node and wondering how can I pass the executors 
the PYTHONPATH so that they can use the modules.
I've tried this:
spark-env.sh:export PYTHONPATH=/tmp/test/


/tmp/test/pkg:__init__.pymod.py:  def test(x):
      return x
from the pyspark shell I can import the module pkg.mod without any issues:
$$$ import pkg.mod$$$ print pkg.mod.test(1)1
also the path is correctly set:
$$$ print 
$$$ print sys.path['', '/usr/lib/spark/python/lib/py4j-', 
'/usr/lib/spark/python', '/tmp/test/', ... ]

it even is seen by the executors:
$$$ sc.parallelize(range(4)).map(lambda x: 
yet it fails when actually using the module on the executor:$$$ 
sc.parallelize(range(4)).map(pkg.mod.test).collect()...ImportError: No module 
named mod...
any idea how to achieve this? don't want to use the sc.addPyFile as this is big 
packages and they are installed everywhere anyway...
thank you,Antony.


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