I have an application where a function needs access to the results of a
select from a parquet database. Creating a JavaSQLContext and from it
a  JavaSchemaRDD
as shown below works but the parallelism is not needed - a simple JDBC call
would work -
Are there alternative non-parallel ways to achieve the same result

JavaSQLContext sqlContext = <application code>
 JavaSchemaRDD parquetFile = sqlContext.parquetFile("MyDatabase);
JavaSchemaRDD binCounts = sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM " + "peptides"
+ " Where  massBin = " + mzAsInt);
Iterator<Row> rowIterator = binCounts.toLocalIterator();
while (rowIterator.hasNext()) {
    Row rw = rowIterator.next();
    ... <application code>

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