Wow,  glad to know that it works well, and sorry, the Jira is another issue, 
which is not the same case here.

From: Bagmeet Behera []
Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2015 12:47 AM
To: Cheng, Hao
Subject: Re: using hiveContext to select a nested Map-data-type from an 
AVROmodel+parquet file

Hi Cheng, Hao
   An update: I installed the latest binaries of Spark 1.2.0 (prebuild for 
Hadoop 2.4 and later) and tried your suggestion. And it *works* perfectly!
   Therefore I would encourage you to post your reply on the archive for the 
advantage of all.

Thanks and best wishes,
BB (Bagmeet)

On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 11:20 AM, Bagmeet Behera 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Chen, Hao
 The awesome thing is: the way you suggest works perfectly on Spark 1.1.0. - I 
am testing this on a old test installation with Spark 1.1.0 (installed from with scala 2.10.4.

 Just fyi: This was because I could not create a HiveContext on the newer 
installation of spark 1.2.0 (scala 2.10.4) - from Cloudera CDH release 5.3.0 - 
which gave some strange error that looked like there is some incompatibility 
between hive and spark libraries. I can create a post for this (if I find an 
appropriate user group, perhaps on cloudera side) but would this be also the 
result of the bug you mention?

 BTW your reply is not in the archives. I guess this is also because of the bug 
in the current version you mentioned?

 Many thanks for the reply.

On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 3:24 AM, Cheng, Hao 
<<>> wrote:
Hi, BB
   Ideally you can do the query like: select key, value.percent from 
mytable_data lateral view explode(audiences) f as key, value limit 3;
   But there is a bug in HiveContext:
   I am working on it now, hopefully make a patch soon.

Cheng Hao

-----Original Message-----
From: BB [<>]
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2015 12:52 AM
Subject: using hiveContext to select a nested Map-data-type from an 
AVROmodel+parquet file

Hi all,
  Any help on the following is very much appreciated.
  On a schemaRDD read from a parquet file (data within file uses AVRO model) 
using the HiveContext:
     I can't figure out how to 'select' or use 'where' clause, to filter rows 
on a field that has a Map AVRO-data-type. I want to do a filtering using a 
given ('key' : 'value'). How could I do this?

* the printSchema of the loaded schemaRDD is like so:

------ output snippet -----
    |-- created: long (nullable = false)
    |-- audiences: map (nullable = true)
    |    |-- key: string
    |    |-- value: struct (valueContainsNull = false)
    |    |    |-- percent: float (nullable = false)
    |    |    |-- cluster: integer (nullable = false)

* I dont get a result when I try to select on a specific value of the 
'audience' like so:

      "SELECT created, audiences FROM mytable_data LATERAL VIEW
explode(audiences) adtab AS adcol WHERE audiences['key']=='tg_loh' LIMIT 10"

 sequence of commands on the spark-shell (a different query and output) is:

------ code snippet -----
scala> val hiveContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext(sc)
scala> val parquetFile2 =
scala> parquetFile2.registerTempTable("mytable_data")
scala> hiveContext.cacheTable("mytable_data")

scala> hiveContext.sql("SELECT  audiences['key'], audiences['value']
scala> FROM
mytable_data LATERAL VIEW explode(audiences) adu AS audien LIMIT

------ output ---------

gives a list of nulls. I can see that there is data when I just do the 
following (output is truncated):

------ code snippet -----
scala> hiveContext.sql("SELECT audiences FROM mytable_data LATERAL VIEW
explode(audiences) tablealias AS colalias LIMIT

---- output --------------
[Map(tg_loh -> [0.0,1,Map()], tg_co -> [0.0,1,Map(tg_co_petrol -> 0.0)], 
tg_wall -> [0.0,1,Map(tg_wall_poi -> 0.0)],  ...

Q1) What am I doing wrong?
Q2) How can I use 'where' in the query to filter on specific values?

What works:
   Queries with filtering, and selecting on fields that have simple AVRO 
data-types, such as long or string works fine.


 I hope the explanation makes sense. Thanks.

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