
After some experiments, there're three methods that work in this 'join
DStream with other dataset which is updated periodically'.

1. Create an RDD in transform operation

val words = ssc.socketTextStream("localhost", 9999).flatMap(_.split("_"))
val filtered = words transform { rdd =>
  val spam = ssc.sparkContext.textFile("spam.txt").collect.toSet

The caveat is 'spam.txt' will be read in every batch.

2. Use variable broadcast variable...

  var bc = ssc.sparkContext.broadcast(getSpam)
  val filtered = words.filter(!bc.value(_))

  val pool = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor
  pool.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Runnable {
    def run(): Unit = {
      val obc = bc
      bc = ssc.sparkContext.broadcast(getSpam)
  }, 0, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

I'm surprised to come up with this solution, but I don't like var, and
the unpersist thing looks evil.

3. Use accumulator

val spam = ssc.sparkContext.accumulableCollection(getSpam.to[mutable.HashSet])
val filtered = words.filter(!spam.value(_))

    def run(): Unit = {

Now it looks less ugly...

Anyway, I still hope there's a better solution.

On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 2:12 AM, Jörn Franke <jornfra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can't you send a special event through spark streaming once the list is
> updated? So you have your normal events and a special reload event
> Le 17 janv. 2015 15:06, "Ji ZHANG" <zhangj...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> I want to join a DStream with some other dataset, e.g. join a click
>> stream with a spam ip list. I can think of two possible solutions, one
>> is use broadcast variable, and the other is use transform operation as
>> is described in the manual.
>> But the problem is the spam ip list will be updated outside of the
>> spark streaming program, so how can it be noticed to reload the list?
>> For broadcast variables, they are immutable.
>> For transform operation, is it costly to reload the RDD on every
>> batch? If it is, and I use RDD.persist(), does it mean I need to
>> launch a thread to regularly unpersist it so that it can get the
>> updates?
>> Any ideas will be appreciated. Thanks.
>> --
>> Jerry
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