In Spark SQL we have Row objects which contain a list of fields that make
up a row. A Rowhas ordinal accessors such as .getInt(0) or getString(2).

Say ordinal 0 = ID and ordinal 1 = Name. It becomes hard to remember what
ordinal is what, making the code confusing.

Say for example I have the following code

def doStuff(row: Row) = {
  //extract some items from the row into a tuple;
  (row.getInt(0), row.getString(1)) //tuple of ID, Name}

The question becomes how could I create aliases for these fields in a Row

I was thinking I could create methods which take a implicit Row object;

def id(implicit row: Row) = row.getInt(0)def name(implicit row: Row) =

I could then rewrite the above as;

def doStuff(implicit row: Row) = {
  //extract some items from the row into a tuple;
  (id, name) //tuple of ID, Name}

Is there a better/neater approach?



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