
You said

Ø  If you know that this number is too high you can request a number of 
partitions when you read it.

How to do that? Can you give a code snippet? I want to read it into 8 
partitions, so I do

val rdd2 = sc.objectFile[LabeledPoint]( 
(“file:///tmp/mydir<file:///\\tmp\mydir>”, 8)
However rdd2 contains thousands of partitions instead of 8 partitions


Ningjun Wang
Consulting Software Engineer
121 Chanlon Road
New Providence, NJ 07974-1541

From: Sean Owen []
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 2:32 PM
To: Wang, Ningjun (LNG-NPV)
Subject: Re: sparkcontext.objectFile return thousands of partitions

You have 8 files, not 8 partitions. It does not follow that they should be read 
as 8 partitions since they are presumably large and so you would be stuck using 
at most 8 tasks in parallel to process. The number of partitions is determined 
by Hadoop input splits and generally makes a partition per block of data. If 
you know that this number is too high you can request a number of partitions 
when you read it. Don't coalesce, just read the desired number from the start.
On Jan 21, 2015 4:32 PM, "Wang, Ningjun (LNG-NPV)" 
<<>> wrote:
Why sc.objectFile(…) return a Rdd with thousands of partitions?

I save a rdd to file system using


Note that the rdd contains 7 millions object. I check the directory 
/tmp/mydir/, it contains 8 partitions

part-00000  part-00002  part-00004  part-00006  _SUCCESS
part-00001  part-00003  part-00005  part-00007

I then load the rdd back using

val rdd2 = sc.objectFile[LabeledPoint]( 
(“file:///tmp/mydir<file:///\\tmp\mydir>”, 8)

I expect rdd2 to have 8 partitions. But from the master UI, I see that rdd2 has 
over 1000 partitions. This is very inefficient. How can I limit it to 8 
partitions just like what is stored on the file system?


Ningjun Wang
Consulting Software Engineer
121 Chanlon Road
New Providence, NJ 07974-1541

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