So, following up on your suggestion, I'm still having some problems getting the 
configuration changes recognized when my job run.

I've added to the root of my application jar file that I
submit to Spark (via spark-submit).

I've verified that my is at the root of my application
jar by executing jar tf app.jar.

I submit my job to the cluster with the following command.

nohup ./bin/spark-submit --verbose -jars lib/app.jar --master
spark://  --class com.elsevier.spark.SparkSync
lib/app.jar > out.log &

In my mainline of app.jar, I also added the following code:"java.class.path"));
InputStream in =

And I can see that the I provided is found because it


It's almost as if the hadoop/jets3t piece has already been initialized and
is ignoring my

I can get this all working inside of Eclipse by including the folder
containing my  But, I can't get things working when
trying to submit this to a spark stand-alone cluster.

Any insights would be appreciated.?

From: Thomas Demoor <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2015 4:41 AM
To: Kohler, Curt E (ELS-STL)
Subject: Re: Spark and S3 server side encryption

Spark uses the Hadoop filesystems.

I assume you are trying to use s3n:// which, under the hood, uses the 3rd party 
jets3t library. It is configured through the file (google 
"hadoop s3n jets3t") which you should put on Spark's classpath. The setting you 
are looking for is s3service.server-side-encryption

The last version of hadoop (2.6) introduces a new and improved s3a:// 
filesystem which has the official sdk from Amazon under the hood.

On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 10:01 PM, curtkohler 
<<>> wrote:
We are trying to create a Spark job that writes out a file to S3 that
leverage S3's server side encryption for sensitive data. Typically this is
accomplished by setting the appropriate header on the put request, but it
isn't clear whether this capability is exposed in the Spark/Hadoop APIs.
Does anyone have any suggestions?

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