Hey Yana,

An update about this Parquet filter push-down issue. It turned out to be a bit complicated, but (hopefully) all clear now.


   Yesterday I found a bug in Parquet, which essentially disables row
   group filtering for almost all |AND| predicates.

     * JIRA ticket: PARQUET-173
     * PR (not merged yet): PR #108

   I verified that filter push-down actually is enabled even if we set
   |parquet.task.side.metadata| to |true|.

   The actual filtering happens when the
   |ParquetRecordReader.initialize()| is called in
   |NewHadoopRDD.compute|. See here
   and here
   However, due to PARQUET-173 mentioned above, no row group can be
   dropped because you were using an |AND| predicate.

   As for Spark task input size. It seems that Hadoop |FileSystem| adds
   the size of a block to the metrics even if you only touch a fraction
   of it (reading Parquet metadata for example). This behavior can be
   verified by the following snippet:

   |import  org.apache.spark.sql.Row
   import  org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext

   val  sqlContext  =  new  SQLContext(sc)
   import  sc._
   import  sqlContext._

   case  class  KeyValue(key:Int, value:String)

   parallelize(1  to1024  *1024  *20).
      flatMap(i =>Seq.fill(10)(KeyValue(i, i.toString))).

   sql("SET spark.sql.parquet.filterPushdown=true")

===0).queryExecution.toRdd.mapPartitions { _ =>
      new  Iterator[Row] {
        def  hasNext  =  false
        def  next() = ???

   Apparently we’re reading nothing here (except for Parquet metadata
   in the footers), but the web UI still suggests that the input size
   of all tasks equals to the file size. In addition, you may find log
   lines written by |ParquetRecordReader| like this:

   15/01/28 16:50:56 INFO FilterCompat: Filtering using predicate: eq(key, 0)
   15/01/28 16:50:56 INFO InternalParquetRecordReader: RecordReader initialized 
will read a total of 0 records.

   which suggests row group filtering does work as expected:

   So I’ll just close SPARK-5346
   <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-5346> since task side
   metadata reading doesn’t affect row group filtering.


   SPARK-5463 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-5463> was
   created as an umbrella ticket for all Parquet filter push-down
   related issues.

   You may find more details there. Right now all sub-tasks there are
   either fixed or have PRs available.


On 1/21/15 10:39 AM, Cheng Lian wrote:

Oh yes, thanks for adding that using |sc.hadoopConfiguration.set| also works :-)
On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 7:11 AM, Yana Kadiyska <yana.kadiy...@gmail.com <mailto:yana.kadiy...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Thanks for looking Cheng. Just to clarify in case other people
    need this sooner, setting
    sc.hadoopConfiguration.set("parquet.task.side.metadata","false")did work
    well in terms of dropping rowgroups/showing small input size. What
    was odd about that is that the overall time wasn't much
    better...but maybe that was overhead from sending the metadata

    Thanks again and looking forward to your fix

    On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 9:07 PM, Cheng Lian <lian.cs....@gmail.com
    <mailto:lian.cs....@gmail.com>> wrote:

        Hey Yana,

        Sorry for the late reply, missed this important thread
        somehow. And many thanks for reporting this. It turned out to
        be a bug — filter pushdown is only enabled when using client
        side metadata, which is not expected, because task side
        metadata code path is more performant. And I guess that the
        reason why setting |parquet.task.side.metadata| to |false|
        didn’t reduce input size for you is because you set the
        configuration with Spark API, or put it into
        |spark-defaults.conf|. This configuration goes to Hadoop
        |Configuration|, and Spark only merge properties whose names
        start with |spark.hadoop| into Hadoop |Configuration|
        instances. You may try to put |parquet.task.side.metadata|
        config into Hadoop |core-site.xml|, and then re-run the query.
        I can see significant differences by doing so.

        I’ll open a JIRA and deliver a fix for this ASAP. Thanks again
        for reporting all the details!


        On 1/13/15 12:56 PM, Yana Kadiyska wrote:

        Attempting to bump this up in case someone can help out after
        all. I spent a few good hours stepping through the code
        today, so I'll summarize my observations both in hope I get
        some help and to help others that might be looking into this:

        1. I am setting *spark.sql.parquet.**filterPushdown=true*
        2. I can see by stepping through the driver debugger that
        PaquetTableOperations.execute sets the filters via
        ParquetInputFormat.setFilterPredicate (I checked the conf
        object, things appear OK there)
        3. In FilteringParquetRowInputFormat, I get through the
        codepath for getTaskSideSplits. It seems that the codepath
        for getClientSideSplits would try to drop rowGroups but I
        don't see similar in getTaskSideSplit.

        Does anyone have pointers on where to look after this? Where
        is rowgroup filtering happening in the case of
        getTaskSideSplits? I can attach to the executor but am not
        quite sure what code related to Parquet gets called executor
        side...also don't see any messages in the executor logs
        related to Filtering predicates.
        For comparison, I went through the getClientSideSplits and
        can see that predicate pushdown works OK:

        15/01/13 20:04:49 INFO FilteringParquetRowInputFormat: Using Client 
Side Metadata Split Strategy
        15/01/13 20:05:13 INFO FilterCompat: Filtering using predicate: 
eq(epoch, 1417384800)
        15/01/13 20:06:45 INFO FilteringParquetRowInputFormat: Dropping 572 row 
groups that do not pass filter predicate (28 %) !

        Is it possible that this is just a UI bug? I can see Input=4G
        when using ("parquet.task.side.metadata","false") and
        Input=140G when using ("parquet.task.side.metadata","true")
        but the runtimes are very comparable?

        Inline image 1

        JobId 4 is the ClientSide split, JobId 5 is the TaskSide split.

        On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 2:56 PM, Yana Kadiyska
        <yana.kadiy...@gmail.com <mailto:yana.kadiy...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            I am running the following (connecting to an external
            Hive Metastore)

             /a/shark/spark/bin/spark-shell --master spark://ip:7077
             --conf *spark.sql.parquet.filterPushdown=true*

            val sqlContext = new

            and then ran two queries:

            |sqlContext.sql("select count(*) from table where partition='blah' 
            sqlContext.sql("select count(*) from table where partition='blah' and 


            According to the Input tab in the UI both scan about 140G
            of data which is the size of my whole partition. So I
            have two questions --

            1. is there a way to tell from the plan if a predicate
            pushdown is supposed to happen?
            I see this for the second query

            |res0: org.apache.spark.sql.SchemaRDD =
            SchemaRDD[0] at RDD at SchemaRDD.scala:108
            == Query Plan ==
            == Physical Plan ==
            Aggregate false, [], [Coalesce(SUM(PartialCount#49L),0) AS _c0#0L]
              Exchange SinglePartition
               Aggregate true, [], [COUNT(1) AS PartialCount#49L]
                OutputFaker []
                 Project []
                  ParquetTableScan [epoch#139L], (ParquetRelation <list of hdfs 

            2. am I doing something obviously wrong that this is not
            working? (Im guessing it's not woring because the input
            size for the second query shows unchanged and the
            execution time is almost 2x as long)

            thanks in advance for any insights

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