For example, We consider the word count of the long text data (100GB order).  
There is clearly a bias for the word , has been expected to be a long tail data 
do word count. Probably word number 1 occupies about  over 1 / 10.

word count code

val allWordLineSplited: RDD[String] = // create RDD …
val wordRDD = allWordLineSplited.flatMap(_.split(“ “))
val count =, 1)).reduceByKey(_ + _)
val sort ={case (word, count) => (count, word)}.sortByKey()

sort.saveAsText(“/path/to/save/dir/“, classOf[GZipCodec])

It is considered that by focusing on the sort. this case, All data of word 
number 1 gather in a partition. and Shuffle Read become very large size. After 
the other, and waiting Executor has lost…

Although I want to equalize the size of the post if possible sort. 
If the technique that does not exist, how will the better to calculate?

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