Write out the rdd to a cassandra table.  The datastax driver provides
saveToCassandra() for this purpose.

On Tue Feb 03 2015 at 8:59:15 AM Adamantios Corais <
adamantios.cor...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> After some research I have decided that Spark (SQL) would be ideal for
> building an OLAP engine. My goal is to push aggregated data (to Cassandra
> or other low-latency data storage) and then be able to project the results
> on a web page (web service). New data will be added (aggregated) once a
> day, only. On the other hand, the web service must be able to run some
> fixed(?) queries (either on Spark or Spark SQL) at anytime and plot the
> results with D3.js. Note that I can already achieve similar speeds while in
> REPL mode by caching the data. Therefore, I believe that my problem must be
> re-phrased as follows: "How can I automatically cache the data once a day
> and make them available on a web service that is capable of running any
> Spark or Spark (SQL)  statement in order to plot the results with D3.js?"
> Note that I have already some experience in Spark (+Spark SQL) as well as
> D3.js but not at all with OLAP engines (at least in their traditional form).
> Any ideas or suggestions?
> *// Adamantios*

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