Hi Michael,

judging from the logs, it seems that those tasks are just working a really
long time.  If you have long running tasks, then you wouldn't expect the
driver to output anything while those tasks are working.

What is unusual is that there is no activity during all that time the tasks
are executing.  Are you sure you are looking at the activity of the
executors (the nodes that are actually running the tasks), and not the
activity of the driver node (the node where your "main" program lives, but
that doesn't do any of the distributed computation)?  It would be perfectly
normal for the driver node to be idle while all the executors were busy
with long running tasks.

I would look at:
(a) the cpu usage etc. of the executor nodes during those long running tasks
(b) the thread dumps of the executors during those long running tasks
(available via the UI under the "Executors" tab, or just log into the boxes
and run jstack).  Ideally this will point out a hotspot in your code that
is making these tasks take so long.  (Or perhaps it'll point out what is
going on in spark internals that is so slow)
(c) the summary metrics for the long running stage, when it finally
finishes (also available in the UI, under the "Stages" tab).  You will get
a breakdown of how much time is spent in various phases of the tasks, how
much data is read, etc., which can help you figure out why tasks are slow

Hopefully this will help you find out what is taking so long.  If you find
out the executors really arent' doing anything during these really long
tasks, it would be great to find that out, and maybe get some more info for
a bug report.


On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 6:18 PM, Michael Albert <
m_albert...@yahoo.com.invalid> wrote:

> Greetings!
> First, my sincere thanks to all who have given me advice.
> Following previous discussion, I've rearranged my code to try to keep the
> partitions to more manageable sizes.
> Thanks to all who commented.
> At the moment, the input set I'm trying to work with is about 90GB (avro
> parquet format).
> When I run on a reasonable chunk of the data (say half) things work
> reasonably.
> On the full data, the spark process stalls.
> That is, for about 1.5 hours out of a 3.5 hour run, I see no activity.
> No cpu usage, no error message, no network activity.
> It just seems to sits there.
> The messages bracketing the stall are shown below.
> Any advice on how to diagnose this?
> I don't get any error messages.
> The spark UI says that it is running a stage, but it makes no discernible
> progress.
> Ganglia shows no CPU usage or network activity.
> When I shell into the worker nodes there are no filled disks or other
> obvious problems.
> How can I discern what Spark is waiting for?
> The only weird thing seen, other than the stall, is that the yarn logs on
> the workers have lines with messages like this:
> 2015-02-03 22:59:58,890 INFO
> org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.monitor.ContainersMonitorImpl
> (Container Monitor): Memory usage of ProcessTree 13158 for container-id
> container_1422834185427_0083_01_000021: 7.1 GB of 8.5 GB physical memory
> used; 7.6 GB of 42.5 GB virtual memory used
> It's rather strange that it mentions 42.5 GB of virtual memory.  The
> machines are EMR machines with 32 GB of physical memory and, as far as I
> can determine, no swap space.
> The messages bracketing the stall are shown below.
> Any advice is welcome.
> Thanks!
> Sincerely,
>  Mike Albert
> Before the stall.
> 15/02/03 21:45:28 INFO cluster.YarnClientClusterScheduler: Removed TaskSet
> 5.0, whose tasks have all completed, from pool
> 15/02/03 21:45:28 INFO scheduler.DAGScheduler: Stage 5
> (mapPartitionsWithIndex at Transposer.scala:147) finished in 4880.317 s
> 15/02/03 21:45:28 INFO scheduler.DAGScheduler: looking for newly runnable
> stages
> 15/02/03 21:45:28 INFO scheduler.DAGScheduler: running: Set(Stage 3)
> 15/02/03 21:45:28 INFO scheduler.DAGScheduler: waiting: Set(Stage 6, Stage
> 7, Stage 8)
> 15/02/03 21:45:28 INFO scheduler.DAGScheduler: failed: Set()
> 15/02/03 21:45:28 INFO scheduler.DAGScheduler: Missing parents for Stage
> 6: List(Stage 3)
> 15/02/03 21:45:28 INFO scheduler.DAGScheduler: Missing parents for Stage
> 7: List(Stage 6)
> 15/02/03 21:45:28 INFO scheduler.DAGScheduler: Missing parents for Stage
> 8: List(Stage 7)
> At this point, I see no activity for 1.5 hours except for this (XXX for
> I.P. address)
> 15/02/03 22:13:24 INFO util.AkkaUtils: Connecting to ExecutorActor:
> akka.tcp://sparkExecutor@ip-XXX.ec2.internal:36301/user/ExecutorActor
> Then finally it started again:
> 15/02/03 23:31:34 INFO scheduler.TaskSetManager: Finished task 1.0 in
> stage 3.0 (TID 7301) in 7208259 ms on ip-10-171-0-124.ec2.internal (3/4)
> 15/02/03 23:31:34 INFO scheduler.TaskSetManager: Finished task 0.0 in
> stage 3.0 (TID 7300) in 7208503 ms on ip-10-171-0-128.ec2.internal (4/4)
> 15/02/03 23:31:34 INFO scheduler.DAGScheduler: Stage 3 (mapPartitions at
> Transposer.scala:211) finished in 7209.534 s

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