I have a question with regards to accessing SchemaRDD’s and Spark SQL temp
tables via the thrift server.  It appears that a SchemaRDD when created is
only available in the local namespace / context and are unavailable to
external services accessing Spark through thrift server via ODBC; is this
correct?  Does the same apply to temp tables?

If we process data on Spark how is it exposed to the thrift server for
access by third party BI applications via ODBC?  Dose one need to have two
spark context, one for processing, then dump it to metastore from which a
third party application can fetch the data or is it possible to expose the
resulting SchemaRDD via the thrift server?

I am trying to do this with Tableau, Spark SQL Connector.  From what I can
see I need the spark context for processing and then dump to metastore.  Is
it possible to access the resulting SchemaRDD from doing something like

create temporary table test
using org.apache.spark.sql.json
options (path ‘/data/json/*');

cache table test;

I am using Spark 1.2.1.  If not available now will it be in 1.3.x? Or is
the only way to achieve this is store into the metastore and does the imply


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