Use below configuration if u r using 1.2 version:-

SET spark.shuffle.consolidateFiles=true;
SET spark.rdd.compress=true;
SET spark.default.parallelism=1000;
SET spark.deploy.defaultCores=54;


-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Owen [] 
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2015 4:46 PM
To: Igor Petrov
Subject: Re: Tuning number of partitions per CPU

18 cores or 36? doesn't probably matter.
For this case where you have some overhead per partition of setting up the DB 
connection, it may indeed not help to chop up the data more finely than your 
total parallelism. Although that would imply quite an overhead. Are you doing 
any other expensive initialization per partition in your code?
You might check some other basic things, like, are you bottlenecked on the DB 
(probably not) and are there task stragglers drawing out the completion time.

On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 11:06 AM, Igor Petrov <> wrote:
> Hello,
> In Spark programming guide
> ( there is a
> recommendation:
> Typically you want 2-4 partitions for each CPU in your cluster.
> We have a Spark Master and two Spark workers each with 18 cores and 18 
> GB of RAM.
> In our application we use JdbcRDD to load data from a DB and then cache it.
> We load entities from a single table, now we have 76 million of 
> entities (entity size in memory is about 160 bytes). We call count() 
> during application startup to force entities loading. Here are our 
> measurements for
> count() operation (cores x partitions = time):
> 36x36 = 6.5 min
> 36x72 = 7.7 min
> 36x108 = 9.4 min
> So despite recommendations the most efficient setup is one partition 
> per core. What is the reason for above recommendation?
> Java 8, Apache Spark 1.1.0
> --
> View this message in context: 
> artitions-per-CPU-tp21642.html Sent from the Apache Spark User List 
> mailing list archive at
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