
In fact, you can use sqlCtx.jsonFile() which loads a text file storing one
JSON object per line as a SchemaRDD.
Or you can use sc.textFile() to load the textFile to RDD and then use
sqlCtx.jsonRDD() which loads an RDD storing one JSON object per string as a

Hope it could help

On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 12:39 AM, pankaj channe <pankajc...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I am new to spark and planning on writing a machine learning application
> with Spark mllib. My dataset is in json format. Is it possible to load data
> into spark without using any external json libraries? I have explored the
> option of SparkSql but I believe that is only for interactive use or
> loading data into hive tables.
> Thanks,
> Pankaj

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