Thanks Imran.

I think you are probably correct. I was a bit surprised that there was no 
shuffle read in the initial hash partition step. I will adjust the code as you 
suggest to prove that is the case. 

I have a slightly different question. If I save an RDD to S3 (or some 
equivalent) and this RDD was hash partitioned at the time, do I still need to 
hash partition the RDD again when I read it in? Is there a way that I could 
prevent all of the shuffling (such as providing a hint)? My parts for the RDD 
will be gzipped so they would not be splittable).  In reality, that's what I 
would really want to do in the first place.

Thanks again for your insights.


From: Imran Rashid <>
To: Darin McBeath <> 
Cc: User <> 
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: MapValues and Shuffle Reads

Hi Darin,

When you say you "see 400GB of shuffle writes" from the first code snippet, 
what do you mean?  There is no action in that first set, so it won't do 
anything.  By itself, it won't do any shuffle writing, or anything else for 
that matter.

Most likely, the .count() on your second code snippet is actually causing the 
execution of some of the first snippet as well.  The .partitionBy will result 
in both shuffle writes and shuffle reads, but they aren't set in motion until 
the .count further down the line.  Its confusing b/c the stage boundaries don't 
line up exactly with your RDD variables here.  hsfBaselinePairRDD "spans" 2 
stages, and baselinePairRDD actually gets merged into the stage above it.

If you do a hsfBaselinePairRDD.count after your first code snippet, and then 
run the second code snippet afterwards, is it more like what you expect?


On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 1:52 PM, Darin McBeath <> 

In the following code, I read in a large sequence file from S3 (1TB) spread 
across 1024 partitions.  When I look at the job/stage summary, I see about 
400GB of shuffle writes which seems to make sense as I'm doing a hash partition 
on this file.
>// Get the baseline input file
>JavaPairRDD<Text,Text> hsfBaselinePairRDDReadable = 
>sc.hadoopFile(baselineInputBucketFile, SequenceFileInputFormat.class, 
>Text.class, Text.class);
>JavaPairRDD<String, String> hsfBaselinePairRDD = 
>I then execute the following code (with a count to force execution) and what I 
>find very strange is that when I look at the job/stage summary, I see more 
>than 340GB of shuffle read.  Why would there be any shuffle read in this step? 
> I would expect there to be little (if any) shuffle reads in this step.
>// Use 'substring' to extract the epoch value from each record.
>JavaPairRDD<String, Long> baselinePairRDD = hsfBaselinePairRDD.mapValues(new 
>"Number of baseline records: " + baselinePairRDD.count());
>Both hsfBaselinePairRDD and baselinePairRDD have 1024 partitions.
>Any insights would be appreciated.
>I'm using Spark 1.2.0 in a stand-alone cluster.
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