Can someone share some ideas about how to tune the GC time?

Subject: Spark performance tuning
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2015 16:04:23 -0500

I am new to Spark, and I am trying to test the Spark SQL performance vs Hive. I 
setup a standalone box, with 24 cores and 64G memory.
We have one SQL in mind to test. Here is the basically setup on this one box 
for the SQL we are trying to run:
1) Dataset 1, 6.6G AVRO file with snappy compression, which contains nest 
structure of 3 array of struct in AVRO2) Dataset2, 5G AVRO file with snappy 
compression3) Dataset3, 2.3M AVRO file with snappy compression.
The basic structure of the query is like this:

(selectxxxfromdataset1 lateral view outer explode(struct1) lateral view outer 
explode(struct2)where xxxxx )left outer join(select xxxx from dataset2 lateral 
view explode(xxx) where xxxx)on xxxxleft outer join(select xxx from dataset3 
where xxxx)on xxxxx
So overall what it does is 2 outer explode on dataset1, left outer join with 
explode of dataset2, then finally left outer join with dataset 3.
On this standalone box, I installed Hadoop 2.2 and Hive 0.12, and Spark 1.2.0.
Baseline, the above query can finish around 50 minutes in Hive 12, with 6 
mappers and 3 reducers, each with 1G max heap, in 3 rounds of MR jobs.
This is a very expensive query running in our production, of course with much 
bigger data set, every day. Now I want to see how fast Spark can do for the 
same query.
I am using the following settings, based on my understanding of Spark, for a 
fair test between it and Hive:
export SPARK_WORKER_MEMORY=32gexport SPARK_DRIVER_MEMORY=2g--executor-memory 9g 
--total-executor-cores 9
I am trying to run the one executor with 9 cores and max 9G heap, to make Spark 
use almost same resource we gave to the MapReduce. Here is the result without 
any additional configuration changes, running under Spark 1.2.0, using 
HiveContext in Spark SQL, to run the exactly same query:
The Spark SQL generated 5 stage of tasks, shown below:4   collect at 
SparkPlan.scala:84 +details      2015/02/20 10:48:46 26 s    200/200            
 3   mapPartitions at Exchange.scala:64 +details 2015/02/20 10:32:07 16 min  
200/200                     1112.3 MB2   mapPartitions at Exchange.scala:64 
+details 2015/02/20 10:22:06 9 min  40/40       4.7 GB          22.2 GB1   
mapPartitions at Exchange.scala:64 +details 2015/02/20 10:22:06 1.9 min 50/50   
    6.2 GB          2.8 GB0   mapPartitions at Exchange.scala:64 +details 
2015/02/20 10:22:06 6 s     2/2         2.3 MB          156.6 KB
So the wall time of whole query is 26s + 16m + 9m + 2m + 6s, around 28 minutes.
It is about 56% of originally time, not bad. But I want to know any tuning of 
Spark can make it even faster.
For stage 2 and 3, I observed that GC time is more and more expensive. 
Especially in stage 3, shown below:
For stage 3:Metric      Min     25th percentile     Median      75th percentile 
    MaxDuration    20 s    30 s                35 s        39 s                
2.4 minGC Time     9 s     17 s                20 s        25 s                
2.2 minShuffle Write   4.7 MB  4.9 MB          5.2 MB      6.1 MB              
8.3 MB
So in median, the GC time took overall 20s/35s = 57% of time.
First change I made is to add the following line in the 
spark-default.conf:spark.serializer org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer
My assumption is that using kryoSerializer, instead of default java serialize, 
will lower the memory footprint, should lower the GC pressure during runtime. I 
know the I changed the correct spark-default.conf, because if I were add 
"spark.executor.extraJavaOptions -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails 
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps" in the same file, I will see the GC usage in the stdout 
file. Of course, in this test, I didn't add that, as I want to only make one 
change a time.The result is almost the same, as using standard java serialize. 
The wall time is still 28 minutes, and in stage 3, the GC still took around 50 
to 60% of time, almost same result within "min, median to max" in stage 3, 
without any noticeable performance gain.
Next, based on my understanding, and for this test, I think the default is too high for this query, as there is no reason 
to reserve so much memory for caching data, Because we don't reuse any dataset 
in this one query. So I add this at the end of spark-shell command "--conf", as I want to just reserve half of the memory 
for caching data vs first time. Of course, this time, I rollback the first 
change of "KryoSerializer".
The result looks like almost the same. The whole query finished around 28s + 
14m + 9.6m + 1.9m + 6s = 27 minutes.
It looks like that Spark is faster than Hive, but is there any steps I can make 
it even faster? Why using "KryoSerializer" makes no difference? If I want to 
use the same resource as now, anything I can do to speed it up more, especially 
lower the GC time?

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