Hi, Sparkers:
I come from the Hadoop MapReducer world, and try to understand some internal 
information of spark. From the web and this list, I keep seeing people talking 
about increase the parallelism if you get the OOM error. I tried to read 
document as much as possible to understand the RDD partition, and parallelism 
usage in the spark.
I understand that for RDD from HDFS, by default, one partition will be one HDFS 
block, pretty straightforward. I saw that lots of RDD operations support 2nd 
parameter of parallelism. This is the part confuse me. From my understand, the 
parallelism is totally controlled by how many cores you give to your job. 
Adjust that parameter, or "spark.default.parallelism" shouldn't have any impact.
For example, if I have a 10G data in HDFS, and assume the block size is 128M, 
so we get 100 blocks/partitions in RDD. Now if I transfer that RDD to a Pair 
RDD, with 1000 unique keys in the pair RDD, and doing reduceByKey action, using 
200 as the default parallelism. Here is what I assume:
We have 100 partitions, as the data comes from 100 blocks. Most likely the 
spark will generate 100 tasks to read and shuffle them?The 1000 unique keys 
mean the 1000 reducer group, like in MRIf I set the max core to be 50, so there 
will be up to 50 tasks can be run concurrently. The rest tasks just have to 
wait for the core, if there are 50 tasks are running.Since we are doing 
reduceByKey, shuffling will happen. Data will be shuffled into 1000 partitions, 
as we have 1000 unique keys.I don't know these 1000 partitions will be 
processed by how many tasks, maybe this is the parallelism parameter comes 
in?No matter what parallelism this will be, there are ONLY 50 task can be run 
concurrently. So if we set more cores, more partitions' data will be processed 
in the executor (which runs more thread in this case), so more memory needs. I 
don't see how increasing parallelism could help the OOM in this case.In my test 
case of Spark SQL, I gave 24G as the executor heap, my join between 2 big 
datasets keeps getting OOM. I keep increasing the "spark.default.parallelism", 
from 200 to 400, to 2000, even to 4000, no help. What really makes the query 
finish finally without OOM is after I change the "--total-executor-cores" from 
10 to 4.
So my questions are:1) What is the parallelism really mean in the Spark? In the 
simple example above, for reduceByKey, what difference it is between 
parallelism change from 10 to 20?2) When we talk about partition in the spark, 
for the data coming from HDFS, I can understand the partition clearly. For the 
intermediate data, the partition will be same as key, right? For group, 
reducing, join action, uniqueness of the keys will be partition. Is that 
correct?3) Why increasing parallelism could help OOM? I don't get this part. 
From my limited experience, adjusting the core count really matters for memory.

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