Yes, hostname is enough.

I think currently it is hard for user code to get the worker list from 
standalone master. If you can get the Master object, you could get the worker 
list, but AFAIK may be it is difficult to get this object. All you could do is 
to manually get the worker list and assigned its hostname to each receiver.


From: Du Li []
Sent: Thursday, March 5, 2015 2:29 PM
To: Shao, Saisai; User
Subject: Re: distribution of receivers in spark streaming

Hi Jerry,

Thanks for your response.

Is there a way to get the list of currently registered/live workers? Even in 
order to provide preferredLocation, it would be safer to know which workers are 
active. Guess I only need to provide the hostname, right?


On Wednesday, March 4, 2015 10:08 PM, "Shao, Saisai" 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Du,

You could try to sleep for several seconds after creating streaming context to 
let all the executors registered, then all the receivers can distribute to the 
nodes more evenly. Also setting locality is another way as you mentioned.


From: Du Li []
Sent: Thursday, March 5, 2015 1:50 PM
To: User
Subject: Re: distribution of receivers in spark streaming

Figured it out: I need to override method preferredLocation() in MyReceiver 

On Wednesday, March 4, 2015 3:35 PM, Du Li 
<<>> wrote:


I have a set of machines (say 5) and want to evenly launch a number (say 8) of 
kafka receivers on those machines. In my code I did something like the 
following, as suggested in the spark docs:
        val streams = (1 to numReceivers).map(_ => ssc.receiverStream(new 

However, from the spark UI, I saw that some machines are not running any 
instance of the receiver while some get three. The mapping changed every time 
the system was restarted. This impacts the receiving and also the processing 

I wonder if it's possible to control/suggest the distribution so that it would 
be more even. How is the decision made in spark?


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