You can do want with lateral view explode, but what seems to be missing is
that jsonRDD converts json objects into structs (fixed keys with a fixed
order) and fields in a struct are accessed using a `.`

val myJson = 
:: Nil))
myJson.registerTempTable("JsonTest")​val result = sql("SELECT
FROM JsonTest LATERAL VIEW explode(foo) a AS f").collect()

myJson: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [foo:
result: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([1], [null])

In Spark 1.3 you can also hint to jsonRDD that you'd like the json objects
converted into Maps (non-uniform keys) instead of structs, by manually
specifying the schema of your JSON.

import org.apache.spark.sql.types._val schema =
    StructField("foo", ArrayType(MapType(StringType, IntegerType))) :: Nil)
:: Nil), schema).registerTempTable("jsonTest")
​val withSql = sql("SELECT a FROM jsonTest LATERAL VIEW explode(foo) a
AS a WHERE a['bar'] IS NOT NULL").collect()
​val withSpark = sql("SELECT a FROM jsonTest LATERAL VIEW explode(foo)
a AS a").rdd.filter  {
  case Row(a: Map[String, Int]) if a.contains("bar") => true
  case _: Row => false

schema: org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType =
withSql: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([Map(bar -> 1)])
withSpark: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([Map(bar -> 1)])


On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 6:11 PM, Justin Pihony <>

> Is there any plans of supporting JSON arrays more fully? Take for example:
>     val myJson =
> sqlContext.jsonRDD(List("""{"foo":[{"bar":1},{"baz":2}]}"""))
>     myJson.registerTempTable("JsonTest")
> I would like a way to pull out parts of the array data based on a key
>     sql("""SELECT foo["bar"] FROM JsonTest""") //projects only the object
> with bar, the rest would be null
> I could even work around this if there was some way to access the key name
> from the SchemaRDD:
>     myJson.filter(x=>x(0).asInstanceOf[Seq[Row]].exists(y=>y.key == "bar"))
>         .map(x=>x(0).asInstanceOf[Seq[Row]].filter(y=>y.key == "bar"))
>     //This does the same as above, except also filtering out those without
> a
> bar key
> This is the closest suggestion I could find thus far,
> <
> >
> which still does not solve the problem of pulling out the keys.
> I tried with a UDF also, but could not currently make that work either.
> If there isn't anything in the works, then would it be appropriate to
> create
> a ticket for this?
> Thanks,
> Justin
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