I am trying to  run examples of spark(master branch from git)  from 
Intellij(14.0.2) but facing errors. These are the steps I followed:
1. git clone the master branch of apache spark.2. Build it using mvn 
-DskipTests clean install3. In Intellij  select Import Projects and choose the 
POM.xml of spark root folder(Auto Import enabled)4. Then I tried to run SparkPi 
program but getting the following errors
Information:9/3/15 3:46 PM - Compilation completed with 44 errors and 0 
warnings in 5 sec
 109) polymorphic expression cannot be instantiated to expected type; found   : 
[T(in method apply)]org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.ScalaUdfBuilder[T(in 
method apply)] required: 
org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.package.ScalaUdfBuilder[T(in method 
functionToUdfBuilder)]  implicit def functionToUdfBuilder[T: TypeTag](func: 
Function1[_, T]): ScalaUdfBuilder[T] = ScalaUdfBuilder(func)....
I am able to run examples of this built version of spark from terminal using 
./bin/run-example script.
Could someone please help me in this issue?
Thanks & Regards,
Meethu M

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