Not quite sure whether I understand your question properly. But if you just want to read the partition columns, it’s pretty easy. Take the “year” column as an example, you may do this in HiveQL:

|hiveContext.sql("SELECT year FROM speed")

or in DataFrame DSL:



On 3/16/15 9:59 PM, patcharee wrote:


I tried to insert into a hive partitioned table

val ZONE: Int = Integer.valueOf(args(2))
val MONTH: Int = Integer.valueOf(args(3))
val YEAR: Int = Integer.valueOf(args(4))

val weightedUVToDF = weightedUVToRecord.toDF()
hiveContext.sql("INSERT OVERWRITE table speed partition (year=" + YEAR + ",month=" + MONTH + ",zone=" + ZONE + ")
    select key, speed, direction from speeddata")

First I registered a temporary table "speeddata". The value of the partitioned column (year, month, zone) is from user input. If I would like to get the value of the partitioned column from the temporary table, how can I do that?


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