
I am new to spark streaming API.

I wanted to ask if I can apply LBFGS (with LeastSquaresGradient) on
streaming data? Currently I am using forecahRDD for parsing through DStream
and I am generating a model based on each RDD. Am I doing anything
logically wrong here?
Thank you.

Sample Code:

val algorithm = new LBFGS(new LeastSquaresGradient(), new SimpleUpdater())
var initialWeights =
var isFirst = true
var model = new LinearRegressionModel(null,1.0)

parsedData.foreachRDD{rdd =>
  if(isFirst) {
    val weights = algorithm.optimize(rdd, initialWeights)
    val w = weights.toArray
    val intercept = w.head
    model = new LinearRegressionModel(Vectors.dense(w.drop(1)), intercept)
    isFirst = false
    var ab = ArrayBuffer[Double]()
    ab.insert(0, model.intercept)
    ab.appendAll( model.weights.toArray)
    print("Intercept = "+model.intercept+" :: modelWeights = "+model.weights)
    initialWeights = Vectors.dense(ab.toArray)
    print("Initial Weights: "+ initialWeights)
    val weights = algorithm.optimize(rdd, initialWeights)
    val w = weights.toArray
    val intercept = w.head
    model = new LinearRegressionModel(Vectors.dense(w.drop(1)), intercept)

Best Regards,

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