
I am running Column Similarity (All Pairs Similarity using DIMSUM) in Spark on 
a dataset that looks like (Entity, Attribute, Value) after transforming the 
same to a row-oriented dense matrix format (one line per Attribute, one column 
per Entity, each cell with normalized value – between 0 and 1).

It runs extremely fast in computing similarities between Entities in most of 
the case, but if there is even a single attribute which is frequently occurring 
across the entities (say in 30% of entities), job falls apart. Whole job get 
stuck and worker nodes start running on 100% CPU without making any progress on 
the job stage. If the dataset is very small (in the range of 1000 Entities X 
500 attributes (some frequently occurring)) the job finishes but takes too long 
(some time it gives GC errors too).

If none of the attribute is frequently occurring (all < 2%), then job runs in a 
lightning fast manner (even for 1000000 Entities X 10000 attributes) and 
results are very accurate.

I am running Spark 1.2.0-cdh5.3.0 on 11 node cluster each having 4 cores and 
16GB of RAM.

My question is - Is this behavior expected for datasets where some Attributes 
frequently occur?

Manish Gupta

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