>From javadoc of JDBCRelation#columnPartition():
   * Given a partitioning schematic (a column of integral type, a number of
   * partitions, and upper and lower bounds on the column's value), generate

In your example, 1 and 10000 are for the value of cs_id column.

Looks like all the values in that column fall within the range of 1 and


On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 8:44 AM, Marek Wiewiorka <marek.wiewio...@gmail.com>

> Hi All - I try to use the new SQLContext API for populating DataFrame from
> jdbc data source.
> like this:
> val jdbcDF = sqlContext.jdbc(url =
> "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5430/dbname?user=user&password=111", table =
> "se_staging.exp_table3" ,columnName="cs_id",lowerBound=1 ,upperBound =
> 10000, numPartitions=12 )
> No matter how I set lower and upper bounds I always get all the rows from
> my table.
> The API is marked as experimental so I assume there might by some bugs in
> it but
> did anybody come across a similar issue?
> Thanks!

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