
The behaviour is the same for me in Scala and Python, so posting here in
Python. When I use DataFrame.saveAsTable with the path option, I expect an
external Hive table to be created at the specified path. Specifically, when
I call:

>>>  df.saveAsTable(..., path="/tmp/test")

I expect an external Hive table to be created pointing to /tmp/test which
would contain the data in df.

However, running locally on my Mac, I get an error indicating that Spark
tried to create a managed table in the location of the Hive warehouse:

ERROR RetryingHMSHandler:
MetaException(message:file:/user/hive/warehouse/savetable is not a
directory or unable to create one)

Am I wrong to expect that Spark create an external table in this case? What
is the expected behaviour of saveAsTable with the path option?

Setup: running spark locally with spark 1.3.0.

Kind Regards,

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