Hi Rares,

The number of partition is controlled by HDFS input format, and one file may 
have multiple partitions if it consists of multiple block. In you case, I think 
there is one file with 2 splits.


Zhan Zhang
On Mar 27, 2015, at 3:12 PM, Rares Vernica 
<rvern...@gmail.com<mailto:rvern...@gmail.com>> wrote:


I am using the Spark shell in Scala on the localhost. I am using sc.textFile to 
read a directory. The directory looks like this (generated by another Spark 


The part-00000 has four short lines of text while part-00001 has two short 
lines of text. The _SUCCESS file is empty. When I check the number of 
partitions on the RDD I get:

scala> foo.partitions.length
15/03/27 14:57:31 INFO FileInputFormat: Total input paths to process : 2
res68: Int = 3

I wonder why do the two input files generate three partitions. Does Spark check 
the number of lines in each file and try to generate three balanced partitions?


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