It is hard to say what could be reason without more detail information. If you 
provide some more information, maybe people here can help you better.
1) What is your worker's memory setting? It looks like that your nodes have 
128G physical memory each, but what do you specify for the worker's heap size? 
If you can paste your and spark-defaults.conf content here, it 
will be helpful.2) You are doing join with 2 tables. 8G parquet files is small, 
compared to the heap you gave. But is it for one table? 2 tables? Is the data 
compressed?3) Your join key is different as your grouping keys, so my 
assumption is that this query should lead to 4 stages (I could be wrong, as I 
am kind of new to Spark SQL too). Is that right? If so, on what stage the OOM 
happened? With this information, it can help us to better judge which part 
caused OOM.4) When you set the spark.shuffle.partitions to 1024, did the stage 
3 and 4 really create 1024 tasks? 5) When the OOM happens, at least you can 
past the stack track of OOM, so it will help people here to guess which part of 
Spark leads to the OOM, so give you better suggests.

Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2015 17:46:48 +0200
Subject: Spark SQL. Memory consumption

I'm using Spark SQL 1.2. I have this query:
CREATE TABLE test_MA STORED AS PARQUET AS  SELECT       field1  ,field2 ,field3 
,field4 ,field5 ,COUNT(1) AS field6     ,MAX(field7)    ,MIN(field8)    
,SUM(field9 / 100)      ,COUNT(field10) ,SUM(IF(field11 < -500, 1, 0))  
,MAX(field12)   ,SUM(IF(field13 = 1, 1, 0))
        ,SUM(IF(field13 in (3,4,5,6,10,104,105,107), 1, 0))     ,SUM(IF(field13 
= 2012 , 1, 0)) ,SUM(IF(field13 in (0,100,101,102,103,106), 1, 0))              
FROM table1 CL              JOIN table2 netw                    ON CL.field15 = WHERE                           AND field3 IS NOT NULL          AND 
field4 IS NOT NULL          AND field5 IS NOT NULL  GROUP BY 
field1,field2,field3,field4, netw.field5

spark-submit --master spark://master:7077 --driver-memory 20g --executor-memory 
60g --class "GMain" project_2.10-1.0.jar --driver-class-path 
'/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/hive/lib/*' --driver-java-options 
'-Dspark.executor.extraClassPath=/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/hive/lib/*' 2> 

Input data is 8GB in parquet format. Many times crash by GC overhead. I've 
fixed spark.shuffle.partitions to 1024 but my worker nodes (with 128GB 
RAM/node) is collapsed.
Is it a query too difficult to Spark SQL? Would It be better to do it in 
Spark?Am I doing something wrong?


Miguel Ángel

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