Hi Marcelo,
   I am not including Spark's classes. When I used the userClasspathFirst
flag, I started getting those errors.

Been there, done that. Removing guava classes was one of the first things I

I saw your replies to a similar problem from Sept.


It looks like my issue is the same cause, but different symptoms.


On Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 12:51 PM, Marcelo Vanzin <van...@cloudera.com>

> On Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 10:11 AM, Pradeep Rai <prai...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I tried the userClasspathFirst flag. I started getting NoClassDeFound
> > Exception for spark classes like Function2, etc.
> Wait. Are you including Spark classes in your app's assembly? Don't do
> that...
> As for Guava, yeah, the mess around Optional and friends is
> unfortunate. One way you could try to work around it, if excluding
> Spark classes and the userClassPathFirst option doesn't work, is to
> explicitly remove the Optional (and related) classes from your app's
> fat jar, and cross your fingers.
> --
> Marcelo

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