The code I've written is simple as it just invokes a thread and calls a store 
method on the Receiver class.
 I see this code with printlns working fine when I try spark-submit --jars 
<jar> --class test.TestCustomReceiver <jar>
However it does not work with I try the same command above with --master 
spark://masterURLspark-submit --master spark://masterURL --jars <jar> --class 
test.TestCustomReceiver <jar>
I also tried setting the master in the conf that I am created, but that does 
not work either. I do not see the onStart println being printed when I use 
--master option. Please advice.
Also, the master I am attaching to has multiple workers across hosts with many 
threads available to it.
The code is pasted below (Classes: TestReviever, TestCustomReceiver):

package test;import;import 
public class TestReceiver extends Receiver<String> {
         public TestReceiver() {           super(StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY());   
        System.out.println("Ankit: Created TestReceiver");         }
         @Override         public void onStart() {                
System.out.println("Start TestReceiver");                new 
TestThread().start();         }         public void onStop() {}  
       private class TestThread extends Thread{                  @Override      
            public void run() {                           while(true){          
                        try{                                         sleep( 
(long) (Math.random() * 3000));                                  
}catch(Exception e){                                         
e.printStackTrace();                                  }                         
         store("Time: " + System.currentTimeMillis());                          
 }                     }         }
package test;import org.apache.spark.SparkConf;import;import 
public class TestCustomReceiver {       public static void main(String[] args){ 
             SparkConf conf = new SparkConf();              
JavaStreamingContext ssc = new JavaStreamingContext(conf, new Duration(1000));  
            TestReceiver receiver = new TestReceiver();              
JavaReceiverInputDStream<String> stream = ssc.receiverStream(receiver);      Function(){                     @Override                   
  public Object call(Object arg0) throws Exception {                           
System.out.println("Received: " + arg0);                           return arg0; 
                    }              }).foreachRDD(new Function(){                
     @Override                     public Object call(Object arg0) throws 
Exception {                           System.out.println("Total Count: " + 
return arg0;                     }              });              ssc.start();   
           ssc.awaitTermination();       }


Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2015 12:22:03 +0530
Subject: Re: SparkStreaming onStart not being invoked on CustomReceiver 
attached to master with multiple workers

Would be good, if you can paste your custom receiver code and the code that you 
used to invoke it.ThanksBest Regards

On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 9:43 AM, Ankit Patel <> wrote:

I am experiencing problem with SparkStreaming (Spark 1.2.0), the onStart method 
is never called on CustomReceiver when calling spark-submit against a master 
node with multiple workers. However, SparkStreaming works fine with no master 
node set. Anyone notice this issue?                                             


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