You'd have to use spark.{driver,executor}.extraClassPath to modify the
system class loader. But that also means you have to manually
distribute the jar to the nodes in your cluster, into a common

On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 6:38 PM, Night Wolf <> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Having a problem build a DataFrame in Spark SQL from a JDBC data source when
> running with --master yarn-client and adding the JDBC driver JAR with
> --jars. If I run with a local[*] master all works fine.
> ./bin/spark-shell --jars /tmp/libs/mysql-jdbc.jar --master yarn-client
> sqlContext.load("jdbc", Map("url" ->
> "jdbc:mysql://mysqlsvr:3306/MyDB;user=usr;password=pwd", "driver" ->
> "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", "dbtable" -> "MY_TBL”))
> This throws a class not found exception when running with Spark SQL. But
> when trying to get the driver class on the workers or driver the class is
> found no problems. So I'm guessing this is some problem with the primordial
> class loader/Java security in the DriverManager and the class loader used in
> Spark SQL when running on YARN.
> Any ideas? The only thing I have found that works is merging my mysql adbc
> driver into the Spark assembly JAR thats shipped to YARN. Because adding
> with --jars doesn't work.
> Cheers!


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