I read it one by one as I need to maintain the order, but it doesn't mean
that I process them one by one later. Input lines refer to different
entities I update, so once I read them in order, I group them by the id of
the entity I want to update, sort the updates on per-entity basis and
process them further in parallel (including writing data to C* and Kafka at
the very end). That's what I use Spark for - the first step I ask about is
just a requirement related to the input format I get and need to support.
Everything what happens after that is just a normal data processing job
that you want to distribute.

Kind regards,
Michał Michalski,

On 24 April 2015 at 16:10, Ganelin, Ilya <ilya.gane...@capitalone.com>

>  If you're reading a file one by line then you should simply use Java's
> Hadoop FileSystem class to read the file with a BuffereInputStream. I don't
> think you need an RDD here.
> Sent with Good (www.good.com)
> -----Original Message-----
> *From: *Michal Michalski [michal.michal...@boxever.com]
> *Sent: *Friday, April 24, 2015 11:04 AM Eastern Standard Time
> *To: *Ganelin, Ilya
> *Cc: *Spico Florin; user
> *Subject: *Re: Does HadoopRDD.zipWithIndex method preserve the order of
> the input data from Hadoop?
> The problem I'm facing is that I need to process lines from input file in
> the order they're stored in the file, as they define the order of updates I
> need to apply on some data and these updates are not commutative so that
> order matters. Unfortunately the input is purely order-based, theres no
> timestamp per line etc. in the file and I'd prefer to avoid preparing the
> file in advance by adding ordinals before / after each line. From the
> approaches you suggested first two won't work as there's nothing I could
> sort by. I'm not sure about the third one - I'm just not sure what you
> meant there to be honest :-)
>  Kind regards,
> Michał Michalski,
> michal.michal...@boxever.com
> On 24 April 2015 at 15:48, Ganelin, Ilya <ilya.gane...@capitalone.com>
> wrote:
>> Michael - you need to sort your RDD. Check out the shuffle documentation
>> on the Spark Programming Guide. It talks about this specifically. You can
>> resolve this in a couple of ways - either by collecting your RDD and
>> sorting it, using sortBy, or not worrying about the internal ordering. You
>> can still extract elements in order by using a filter with the zip if e.g
>> RDD.filter(s => s._2 < 50).sortBy(_._1)
>> Sent with Good (www.good.com)
>> -----Original Message-----
>> *From: *Michal Michalski [michal.michal...@boxever.com]
>> *Sent: *Friday, April 24, 2015 10:41 AM Eastern Standard Time
>> *To: *Spico Florin
>> *Cc: *user
>> *Subject: *Re: Does HadoopRDD.zipWithIndex method preserve the order of
>> the input data from Hadoop?
>> Of course after you do it, you probably want to call
>> repartition(somevalue) on your RDD to "get your paralellism back".
>>  Kind regards,
>> Michał Michalski,
>> michal.michal...@boxever.com
>> On 24 April 2015 at 15:28, Michal Michalski <michal.michal...@boxever.com
>> > wrote:
>>> I did a quick test as I was curious about it too. I created a file with
>>> numbers from 0 to 999, in order, line by line. Then I did:
>>> scala> val numbers = sc.textFile("./numbers.txt")
>>> scala> val zipped = numbers.zipWithUniqueId
>>> scala> zipped.foreach(i => println(i))
>>> Expected result if the order was preserved would be something like: (0,
>>> 0), (1, 1) etc.
>>> Unfortunately, the output looks like this:
>>>  (126,1)
>>> (223,2)
>>> (320,3)
>>> (1,0)
>>> (127,11)
>>> (2,10)
>>>  (...)
>>> The workaround I found that works for me for my specific use case
>>> (relatively small input files) is setting explicitly the number of
>>> partitions to 1 when reading a single *text* file:
>>> scala> val numbers_sp = sc.textFile("./numbers.txt", 1)
>>> Than the output is exactly as I would expect.
>>> I didn't dive into the code too much, but I took a very quick look at it
>>> and figured out - correct me if I missed something, it's Friday afternoon!
>>> ;-)  - that this workaround will work fine for all the input formats
>>> inheriting from org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileInputFormat including
>>> TextInputFormat, of course - see the implementation of getSplits() method
>>> there (
>>> http://grepcode.com/file/repo1.maven.org/maven2/org.jvnet.hudson.hadoop/hadoop-core/0.19.1-hudson-2/org/apache/hadoop/mapred/FileInputFormat.java#FileInputFormat.getSplits%28org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf%2Cint%29
>>> ).
>>> The numSplits variable passed there is exactly the same value as you
>>> provide as a second argument to textFile, which is minPartitions. However,
>>> while *min* suggests that we can only define a minimal number of
>>> partitions, while we have no control over the max, from what I can see in
>>> the code, that value specifies the *exact* number of partitions per the
>>> FileInputFormat.getSplits implementation. Of course it can differ for other
>>> input formats, but in this case it should work just fine.
>>>  Kind regards,
>>> Michał Michalski,
>>> michal.michal...@boxever.com
>>> On 24 April 2015 at 14:05, Spico Florin <spicoflo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello!
>>>>   I know that HadoopRDD partitions are built based on the number of
>>>> splits in HDFS. I'm wondering if these partitions preserve the initial
>>>> order of data in file.
>>>> As an example, if I have an HDFS (myTextFile) file that has these
>>>> splits:
>>>> split 0-> line 1, ..., line k
>>>> split 1->line k+1,..., line k+n
>>>> splt 2->line k+n, line k+n+m
>>>> and the code
>>>> val lines=sc.textFile("hdfs://mytextFile")
>>>> lines.zipWithIndex()
>>>> will the order of lines preserved?
>>>> (line 1, zipIndex 1) , .. (line k, zipIndex k), and so one.
>>>> I found this question on stackoverflow (
>>>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26046410/how-can-i-obtain-an-element-position-in-sparks-rdd)
>>>> whose answer intrigued me:
>>>> "Essentially, RDD's zipWithIndex() method seems to do this, but it
>>>> won't preserve the original ordering of the data the RDD was created from"
>>>> Can you please confirm that is this the correct answer?
>>>> Thanks.
>>>>  Florin
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