foreachRDD is an action and doesn't return anything. It seems like you
want one final count, but that's not possible with a stream, since
there is conceptually no end to a stream of data. You can get a stream
of counts, which is what you have already. You can sum those counts in
another data structure to get a current total. See the streaming word
count examples.

On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 1:50 PM, Sergio Jiménez Barrio
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I need compare the count of messages recived if is 0 or not, but
> messages.count() return a DStream[Long]. I tried this solution:
> val cuenta  = messages.count().foreachRDD{ rdd =>
>                                                 rdd.first()
>                                              }
> But this return a type Unit, not Long.
> Any suggestion? Thanks!

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