Yes there is now such a profile, though it is essentially redundant and
doesn't configure things differently from 2.4. Besides hadoop version of
course. Which is why it hadn't existed before since the 2.4 profile is 2.4+

People just kept filing bugs to add it but the docs are correct : you don't
actually need this profile for 2.6 but could set it if you want.
On Apr 30, 2015 11:01 AM, "Christophe Préaud" <>

> Hi,
> I can see that there is now a pre-built Spark package for hadoop-2.6:
> Does this mean that there is now a hadoop-2.6 profile, because it does not
> appear in the building-spark page:
> ?
> Thanks,
> Christophe.
> Kelkoo SAS
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