Hi Eric.

When I read parquet files, I've tested that Spark generates so many
partitions as parquet files exist in the path.

To reduce the number of partitions you can use rdd.repartition(x), x=>
number of partitions. Depend on your case, repartition could be a heavy task


On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 3:56 PM, Eric Eijkelenboom <
eric.eijkelenb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello guys
> Q1: How does Spark determine the number of partitions when reading a
> Parquet file?
> val df = sqlContext.parquetFile(path)
> Is it some way related to the number of Parquet row groups in my input?
> Q2: How can I reduce this number of partitions? Doing this:
> df.rdd.coalesce(200).count
> from the spark-shell causes job execution to hang…
> Any ideas? Thank you in advance.
> Eric
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Miguel Ángel

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