Hi ,
I am trying to setup the hive metastore and mysql DB connection.
 I have a spark cluster and I ran some programs and I have data stored in
some hive tables.
Now I want to store this data into Mysql  so that it is available for
further processing.

I setup the hive-site.xml file.

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>




























    <value>jdbc:mysql://<*ip address*

    <description>metadata is stored in a MySQL server</description>





    <description>MySQL JDBC driver class</description>













                            <description>location of default database for
the warehouse</description>


My mysql server is on a separate server than where my spark server is . If
I use mySQLWorkbench , I use a SSH connection  with a certificate file to
connect .
How do I specify all that information from spark to the DB ?
I want to store the data generated by my spark program into mysql.

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