Same as you, there are lots of people coming from MapReduce world, and try to 
understand the internals of Spark. Hope below can help you some way.
For the end users, they only have concept of Job. I want to run a word count 
job from this one big file, that is the job I want to run. How many stages and 
tasks this job will generate depends on the file size and parallelism you 
specify in your job.
For word count, it will generate 2 stages, as we have shuffle in it, thinking 
it the same way as Mapper and Reducer part.
If the file is 1280M size in HDFS with 128M block, so the first stage will 
generate 10 tasks. If you use the default parallelism in spark, the 2nd stage 
should generate 200 tasks.
Forget about Executors right now, so the above job will have 210 tasks to run. 
In the standalone mode, you need to specify the cores and memory for your job. 
Let's assume you have 5 worker nodes with 4 cores + 8G each. Now, if you ask 10 
cores and 2G per executor, and cluster does have the enough resources 
available, then you will get 1 executor from each work node, with 2 cores + 2G 
per executor to run your job.In this case, first 10 tasks in the stage one can 
start concurrently at the same time, after that, every 10 tasks in stage 2 can 
be run concurrently. You get 5 executors, as you have 5 worker nodes. There is 
a coming feature to start multi executors per worker, but we are talking about 
the normally case here. In fact, you can start multi workers in one physical 
box, if you have enough resource.
In the above case, 2 tasks will be run concurrently per executor. You control 
this by specify how many cores you want for your job, plus how many workers in 
your cluster as pre configured. These 2 tasks have to share the 2G heap memory. 
I don't think specifying the memory per task is a good idea, as task is running 
in the Thread level, and Memory only apply for the JVM processor. 
In MR, every mapper and reducer match to a java processing, but in spark, the 
task is just matching with a thread/core.
In Spark, memory tuning is more like an art, but still have lot of rules to 
follow. In the above case, you can increase the parallelism to 400, then you 
will have 400 tasks in the stage 2, so each task will come with less data, 
provided you have much large unique words in the file. Or you can lower the 
cores from 10 to 5, then each executor will only process one task at a time, 
but your job will run slower.
Overall, you want to max the parallelism to gain the best speed, but also make 
sure the memory is enough for your job at this speed, to avoid OOM. It is a 
Keep in mind:Cluster pre-config with number of workers with total cores + max 
heap memory you can askPer application, you specify total cores you want + heap 
memory per executorIn your application, you can specify the parallelism level, 
as lots of "Action" supporting it. So parallelism is dynamic, from job to job, 
or even from stage to stage.
Date: Wed, 27 May 2015 15:48:57 +0800
Subject: Re: How does spark manage the memory of executor with multiple tasks

Does anyone can answer my question ? I am curious to know if there's multiple 
reducer tasks in one executor, how to allocate memory between these reducers 
tasks since each shuffle will consume a lot of memory ?
On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 7:27 PM, Evo Eftimov <> wrote:
 the link you sent says multiple executors per node
Worker is just demon process launching Executors / JVMs so it can execute tasks 
- it does that by cooperating with the master and the driver 
There is a one to one maping between Executor and JVM 

Sent from Samsung Mobile

-------- Original message --------From: Arush Kharbanda  Date:2015/05/26  10:55 
 (GMT+00:00) To: canan chen  Cc: Evo Eftimov , Subject: 
Re: How does spark manage the memory of executor with multiple tasks 
Hi Evo,
Worker is the JVM and an executor runs on the JVM. And after Spark 1.4 you 
would be able to run multiple executors on the same JVM/worker.

On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 2:54 PM, canan chen <> wrote:
I think the concept of task in spark should be on the same level of task in MR. 
Usually in MR, we need to specify the memory the each mapper/reducer task. And 
I believe executor is not a user-facing concept, it's a spark internal concept. 
For spark users they don't need to know the concept of executor, but need to 
know the concept of task. 
On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 5:09 PM, Evo Eftimov <> wrote:
This is the first time I hear that “one can specify the RAM per task” – the RAM 
is granted per Executor (JVM). On the other hand each Task operates on ONE RDD 
Partition – so you can say that this is “the RAM allocated to the Task to 
process” – but it is still within the boundaries allocated to the Executor 
(JVM) within which the Task is running. Also while running, any Task like any 
JVM Thread can request as much additional RAM e.g. for new Object instances  as 
there is available in the Executor aka JVM Heap   From: canan chen 
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 9:30 AM
To: Evo Eftimov
Subject: Re: How does spark manage the memory of executor with multiple tasks 
Yes, I know that one task represent a JVM thread. This is what I confused. 
Usually users want to specify the memory on task level, so how can I do it if 
task if thread level and multiple tasks runs in the same executor. And even I 
don't know how many threads there will be. Besides that, if one task cause OOM, 
it would cause other tasks in the same executor fail too. There's no isolation 
between tasks.   On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 4:15 PM, Evo Eftimov 
<> wrote:An Executor is a JVM instance spawned and running 
on a Cluster Node (Server machine). Task is essentially a JVM Thread – you can 
have as many Threads as you want per JVM. You will also hear about “Executor 
Slots” – these are essentially the CPU Cores available on the machine and 
granted for use to the Executor  Ps: what creates ongoing confusion here is 
that the Spark folks have “invented” their own terms to describe the design of 
their what is essentially a Distributed OO Framework facilitating Parallel 
Programming and Data Management in a Distributed Environment, BUT have not 
provided clear dictionary/explanations linking these “inventions” with standard 
concepts familiar to every Java, Scala etc developer   From: canan chen 
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 9:02 AM
Subject: How does spark manage the memory of executor with multiple tasks Since 
spark can run multiple tasks in one executor, so I am curious to know how does 
spark manage memory across these tasks. Say if one executor takes 1GB memory, 
then if this executor can run 10 tasks simultaneously, then each task can 
consume 100MB on average. Do I understand it correctly ? It doesn't make sense 
to me that spark run multiple tasks in one executor.  

Arush Kharbanda || Technical ||


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