While it does feel like a filter is what you want to do, a common way to
handle this is to map to different keys.

Using your rddList example it becomes like this (scala style):
val rddSplit: RDD[(Int, Any)]  = rdd.map(x => (*createKey*(x), x))
val rddBuckets: RDD[(Int, Iterable[Any])] = rddSplit.groupByKey

You write *createKey* to do the equivalent work as your filters & then you
have a single RDD with your buckets.

On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 5:56 AM dgoldenberg <dgoldenberg...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I'm gathering that the typical approach for splitting an RDD is to apply
> several filters to it.
> rdd1 = rdd.filter(func1);
> rdd2 = rdd.filter(func2);
> ...
> Is there/should there be a way to create 'buckets' like these in one go?
> List<RDD> rddList = rdd.filter(func1, func2, ..., funcN)
> Another angle here is, when applying a filter(func), is there a way to get
> two RDD's back, one for which func returned true for all elements of the
> original RDD (the one being filtered), and the other one for which func
> returned false for all the elements?
> Pair<RDD> pair = rdd.filterTrueFalse(func);
> Right now I'm doing
> RDD x = rdd.filter(func);
> RDD y = rdd.filter(reverseOfFunc);
> This seems a bit tautological to me, though Spark must be optimizing this
> out (?)
> Thanks.
> --
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