For clustering analysis, we need a way to measure distances.

When the data contains different levels of measurement -
*binary / categorical (nominal), counts (ordinal), and ratio (scale)*

To be concrete, for example, working with attributes of
*city, zip, satisfaction_level, price*

In the meanwhile, the real data usually also contains string attributes,
for example, book titles. The distance between two strings can be measured
by minimum-edit-distance.

In SPSS, it provides Two-Step Cluster, which can handle both ratio scale
and ordinal numbers.

What is right algorithm to do hierarchical clustering analysis with all
these four-kind attributes above with *MLlib*?

If we cannot find a right metric to measure the distance, an alternative
solution is to do a topological data analysis (e.g. linkage, and etc). Can
we do such kind of analysis with *GraphX*?


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