Hello guys,
I faced one problem that I cannot pass my data inside rdd partition when I was 
trying to develop spark streaming feature.I'm the newcomer of Spark, could you 
please give me any suggestion on this problem? 
The figure in the attachment is the code I used in my program:
After I run my code, I found these logs:Inside foreachRDD scope I can get the 
right indexGeneratorMap value which includes right kva instance, 
15/06/16 12:07:35 INFO streaming.AbstractSparkStreamingMain: [RDD][Index 
Generator Map]: {class 
But in the foreachPartition scope, I found my kva instance is null. I totally 
have no idea about it.
15/06/16 12:07:28 INFO streaming.AbstractSparkStreamingMain: [Index Generator 
Map]: {class 
If someone can give me any tips, I will really appreciate your help. 
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
Gabriel Zhang
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