BTW I suggest this instead of using thread locals as I am not sure in which
situation spark will reuse or not them. For example if an error happens
inside a thread, will spark then create a new one or the error is catched
inside the thread preventing it to stop. So in short, does spark guarantee
that the threads are being started at the begining and will last until the
end of the jvm.

2015-06-18 15:32 GMT+02:00 Eugen Cepoi <>:

> 2015-06-18 15:17 GMT+02:00 Guillaume Pitel <>:
>>  I was thinking exactly the same. I'm going to try it, It doesn't really
>> matter if I lose an executor, since its sketch will be lost, but then
>> reexecuted somewhere else.
> I mean that between the action that will update the sketches and the
> action to collect/merge them you can loose an executor. So outside of
> sparks control. But it's probably an acceptable risk.
>> And anyway, it's an approximate data structure, and what matters are
>> ratios, not exact values.
>> I mostly need to take care of the concurrency problem for my sketch.
> I think you could do something like:
>   - Have this singleton that holds N sketch instances (one for each
> executor core)
>   - Inside an operation over partitions (like
> forEachPartition/mapPartitions)
>     - at the begin you ask the singleton to provide you with one instance
> to use, in a sync. fashion and pick it out from the N available instances
> or mark it as in use
>     - when the iterator over the partition doesn't have more elements then
> you release this sketch
>   - Then you can do something like
> sc.parallelize(Seq(...)).coalesce(numExecutors).map(pickTheSketches).reduce(blabla),
> but you will have to make sure that this will be executed over each
> executor (not sure if a dataset < than executor num, will trigger an action
> on every executor)
> Please let me know what you end up doing, sounds interesting :)
> Eugen
>> Guillaume
>>   Yeah thats the problem. There is probably some "perfect" num of
>> partitions that provides the best balance between partition size and memory
>> and merge overhead. Though it's not an ideal solution :(
>>  There could be another way but very hacky... for example if you store
>> one sketch in a singleton per jvm (so per executor). Do a first pass over
>> your data and update those. Then you trigger some other dummy operation
>> that will just retrieve the sketches.
>> Thats kind of a hack but should work.
>>  Note that if you loose an executor in between, then that doesn't work
>> anymore, probably you could detect it and recompute the sketches, but it
>> would become over complicated.
>> 2015-06-18 14:27 GMT+02:00 Guillaume Pitel <>:
>>>  Hi,
>>> Thank you for this confirmation.
>>> Coalescing is what we do now. It creates, however, very big partitions.
>>> Guillaume
>>>   Hey,
>>> I am not 100% sure but from my understanding accumulators are per
>>> partition (so per task as its the same) and are sent back to the driver
>>> with the task result and merged. When a task needs to be run n times
>>> (multiple rdds depend on this one, some partition loss later in the chain
>>> etc) then the accumulator will count n times the values from that task.
>>>  So in short I don't think you'd win from using an accumulator over what
>>> you are doing right now.
>>>  You could maybe coalesce your rdd to num-executors without a shuffle
>>> and then update the sketches. You should endup with 1 partition per
>>> executor thus 1 sketch per executor. You could then increase the number of
>>> threads per task if you can use the sketches concurrently.
>>>  Eugen
>>> 2015-06-18 13:36 GMT+02:00 Guillaume Pitel <>:
>>>>  Hi,
>>>> I'm trying to figure out the smartest way to implement a global
>>>> count-min-sketch on accumulators. For now, we are doing that with RDDs. It
>>>> works well, but with one sketch per partition, merging takes too long.
>>>> As you probably know, a count-min sketch is a big mutable array of
>>>> array of ints. To distribute it, all sketches must have the same size.
>>>> Since it can be big, and since merging is not free, I would like to
>>>> minimize the number of sketches and maximize reuse and conccurent use of
>>>> the sketches. Ideally, I would like to just have one sketch per worker.
>>>> I think accumulables might be the right structures for that, but it
>>>> seems that they are not shared between executors, or even between tasks.
>>>> (289)
>>>>   /**
>>>>  * This thread-local map holds per-task copies of accumulators; it is
>>>> used to collect the set
>>>>  * of accumulator updates to send back to the driver when tasks
>>>> complete. After tasks complete,
>>>>  * this map is cleared by `Accumulators.clear()` (see Executor.scala).
>>>>  */
>>>>  private val localAccums = new ThreadLocal[Map[Long, Accumulable[_,
>>>> _]]]() {
>>>>  override protected def initialValue() = Map[Long, Accumulable[_, _]]()
>>>>  }
>>>> The localAccums stores an accumulator for each task (it's thread local,
>>>> so I assume each task have a unique thread on executors)
>>>> If I understand correctly, each time a task starts, an accumulator is
>>>> initialized locally, updated, then sent back to the driver for merging ?
>>>> So I guess, accumulators may not be the way to go, finally.
>>>> Any advice ?
>>>> Guillaume
>>>> --
>>>>    [image: eXenSa]
>>>>  *Guillaume PITEL, Président*
>>>> +33(0)626 222 431
>>>> eXenSa S.A.S. <>
>>>>  41, rue Périer - 92120 Montrouge - FRANCE
>>>> Tel +33(0)184 163 677 / Fax +33(0)972 283 705
>>> --
>>>    [image: eXenSa]
>>>  *Guillaume PITEL, Président*
>>> +33(0)626 222 431
>>> eXenSa S.A.S. <>
>>>  41, rue Périer - 92120 Montrouge - FRANCE
>>> Tel +33(0)184 163 677 / Fax +33(0)972 283 705
>> --
>>    [image: eXenSa]
>>  *Guillaume PITEL, Président*
>> +33(0)626 222 431
>> eXenSa S.A.S. <>
>>  41, rue Périer - 92120 Montrouge - FRANCE
>> Tel +33(0)184 163 677 / Fax +33(0)972 283 705

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