Spark is based on Scala and it written in Scala .To debug and fix issue i guess 
learning Scala is good  for long term ? any advise ? 

     On Thursday, June 25, 2015 1:26 PM, ayan guha <> wrote:

 I am a python fan so I use python. But what I noticed some features are 
typically 1-2 release behind for python. So I strongly agree with Ted that 
start with language you are most familiar with and plan to move to scala 
eventually On 26 Jun 2015 06:07, "Ted Yu" <> wrote:

The answer depends on the user's experience with these languages as well as the 
most commonly used language in the production environment.
Learning Scala requires some time. If you're very comfortable with Java / 
Python, you can go with that while at the same time familiarizing yourself with 
On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 12:04 PM, spark user <> 

Hi All ,
I am new for spark , i just want to know which technology is good/best for 
spark learning ?
1) Scala 2) Java 3) Python 
I know spark support all 3 languages , but which one is best ?
Thanks su  


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