Yeah, you shouldn't have to rename the columns before joining them.

Do you see the same behavior on 1.3 vs 1.4?

2015년 6월 27일 (토) 오전 2:51, Axel Dahl <>님이 작성:

> still feels like a bug to have to create unique names before a join.
> On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 9:51 PM, ayan guha <> wrote:
>> You can declare the schema with unique names before creation of df.
>> On 27 Jun 2015 13:01, "Axel Dahl" <> wrote:
>>> I have the following code:
>>> from pyspark import SQLContext
>>> d1 = [{'name':'bob', 'country': 'usa', 'age': 1}, {'name':'alice',
>>> 'country': 'jpn', 'age': 2}, {'name':'carol', 'country': 'ire', 'age': 3}]
>>> d2 = [{'name':'bob', 'country': 'usa', 'colour':'red'}, {'name':'alice',
>>> 'country': 'ire', 'colour':'green'}]
>>> r1 = sc.parallelize(d1)
>>> r2 = sc.parallelize(d2)
>>> sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)
>>> df1 = sqlContext.createDataFrame(d1)
>>> df2 = sqlContext.createDataFrame(d2)
>>> df1.join(df2, == and ==,
>>> 'left_outer').collect()
>>> When I run it I get the following, (notice in the first row, all join
>>> keys are take from the right-side and so are blanked out):
>>> [Row(age=2, country=None, name=None, colour=None, country=None,
>>> name=None),
>>> Row(age=1, country=u'usa', name=u'bob', colour=u'red', country=u'usa',
>>> name=u'bob'),
>>> Row(age=3, country=u'ire', name=u'alice', colour=u'green',
>>> country=u'ire', name=u'alice')]
>>> I would expect to get (though ideally without duplicate columns):
>>> [Row(age=2, country=u'ire', name=u'Alice', colour=None, country=None,
>>> name=None),
>>> Row(age=1, country=u'usa', name=u'bob', colour=u'red', country=u'usa',
>>> name=u'bob'),
>>> Row(age=3, country=u'ire', name=u'alice', colour=u'green',
>>> country=u'ire', name=u'alice')]
>>> The workaround for now is this rather clunky piece of code:
>>> df2 = sqlContext.createDataFrame(d2).withColumnRenamed('name',
>>> 'name2').withColumnRenamed('country', 'country2')
>>> df1.join(df2, == df2.name2 and == df2.country2,
>>> 'left_outer').collect()
>>> So to me it looks like a bug, but am I doing something wrong?
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Axel

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