Regarding 1 and 2, yes shuffle output is stored on the worker local disks and 
will be reused across jobs as long as they’re available. You can identify when 
they’re used by seeing skipped stages in the job UI. They are periodically 
cleaned up based on available space of the configured spark.local.dirs paths.

From: Thomas Gerber
Date: Monday, June 29, 2015 at 10:12 PM
To: user
Subject: Shuffle files lifecycle


It is my understanding that shuffle are written on disk and that they act as 

I wonder if this is true only within a job, or across jobs. Please note that I 
use the words job and stage carefully here.

1. can a shuffle created during JobN be used to skip many stages from JobN+1? 
Or is the lifecycle of the shuffle files bound to the job that created them?

2. when are shuffle files actually deleted? Is it TTL based or is it cleaned 
when the job is over?

3. we have a very long batch application, and as it goes on, the number of 
total tasks for each job gets larger and larger. It is not really a problem, 
because most of those tasks will be skipped since we cache RDDs. We noticed 
however that there is a delay in the actual start of a job of 1 min for every 
2M tasks in your job. Are there suggested workarounds to avoid that delay? 
Maybe saving the RDD and re-loading it?


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