If all you’re doing is just dumping tables from SQLServer to HDFS, have you 
looked at Sqoop?

Otherwise, if you need to run this in Spark could you just use the existing 

From: Shushant Arora
Date: Wednesday, July 1, 2015 at 10:19 AM
To: user
Subject: custom RDD in java


Is it possible to write custom RDD in java?

Requirement is - I am having a list of Sqlserver tables  need to be dumped in 

So I have a
List<String> tables = {dbname.tablename,dbname.tablename2......};

JavaRDD<String> rdd = javasparkcontext.parllelise(tables);

JavaRDDString> tablecontent = rdd.map(new 
Function<String,Iterable<String>>){fetch table and return populate iterable}

tablecontent.storeAsTextFile("hffs path");

In rdd.map(new Function<String,>). I cannot keep complete table content in 
memory , so I want to creat my own RDD to handle it.


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