Hi Team, Just installed Eclipse with Scala plugin to benefit from IDE 
environment and I faced the problem that any import statement gives me an 
error.For example: import org.apache.spark.SparkConfimport 
org.apache.spark.SparkContextimport org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContextimport 
org.apache.spark.sql._import org.json4s._import org.json4s.JsonDSL._import 
org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethodsimport org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods._ All 
report errors of type: “object apache is not member of package org” or“object 
json4s is not member of package org” How can I resolve this? Thanks,

Stefan Panayotov, PhD 
email: spanayo...@msn.com 

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