Hi All  ,

I have and Stream of Event coming in and i want to fetch some additional
data from the database based on the values in the incoming data , For Eg
below is the data coming in


Now for each login name i need to go to oracle database and get the userId
from the database *but i do not want to hit the database again and again
instead i want to load the complete table in memory and then find the user
id based on the incoming data*

JavaRDD<Charge> rdd = sc.textFile("/home/spark/workspace/data.csv").map(new
Function<String, String>() {
            public Charge call(String s) {
                String str[] = s.split(",");
*                //How to load the complete table in memory and use it as
when i do outside the loop i get stage failure error *
*                   DataFrame dbRdd =


              return str[0]            ;

How i can achieve this , Please suggest


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